Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Custom Painted Urns.

I have been working at this particular house for about four years now. Sometimes pieces need to be touched up due to weather, sun damage or the worst threat of all- kids. I love sprucing things up because it shows good customer service and it's a reminder that I have built a strong and trusting relationship with my clients. These urns see lots of sun and each time I touch them up I try to change it up a little. This time I 'weathered' them with gold to give them a unique aged look.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Stripes are difficult. But worth it. This room is in progress and not what you'd expect. Final pictures soon.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Cowgirl Country Chic.

I work with a couple of designers that are cowgirl chic through and through. Sometimes they get to show off their style through interior design. Lots of leather, wood, browns, beiges, and terracottas make for a great home that pairs well with the gorgeous nature and horse stables waiting outside.

Friday, September 2, 2011

A little goes a long way.

Something as simple as adding dramatic, deep color to the back of a cabinet can change the feel of the space entirely. It brings out the beauty of the decor by softening the contrast between colors.